This post won't make sense unless you've read
this one. So read it. Do it.
After church that day my mom texted me and said something like "I have to tell you something. but you might think I'm crazy. but I have to tell you!" So we headed over to my parents' house to get our BBQ on and celebrate our dad and my sweet husband on his first Father's Day. My mom pulled me aside in the kitchen and whispered "Okay, I have to tell you! So this has never happened to me before. I mean God spoke to me in a way that I've never experienced. Don't think I'm crazy." "Okay okay I won't. TELL ME!" I said. Her voice started to get louder and she began to speak faster as she got more excited. "It was so clear. I hope you don't think I'm crazy. During worship I had this picture of you guys, it was like a video playing in my head. I saw Brian and he was building something, like hammering, and he was lifted up and there were men all around him and he was teaching them. Then I saw you in a kitchen and you were surrounded by women. You were lifted up too, and they were surrounding you and you were teaching them to cook. And then I saw Lola. She was on the floor surrounded by kids and she was laughing and playing and she looked so happy. She was older though, like two or three. So I was wondering 'where is this?' because it looked like Latin America. I heard 'HONDURAS HONDURAS HONDURAS.' I mean I don't even know where Honduras is but it was so clear." I didn't know where it was either. But I. was. excited. My mom hadn't known, no one had known that missions were on our heart. And let me tell you guys, my mom would be the last person in the world who would want to see us go into the mission field. I think if it were up to her we would live even closer {and we live like five minutes away} so you get the idea. We immediately went upstairs and pulled Honduras up on the map.

There it was, I was in love with a country I knew nothing about, but I knew I was called. Called to love, called to pray, called to GO. So that night I went home and a litttttle nervously told Brian. He wasn't really sure what to think. I knew he had to hear it straight from the horse's mouth {sorry mom}. So I called mi madre on over {see, my Spanish is coming along you guys} to tell him what she had told me. Immediately he was sold. He knew it was God. We had our pastor over a few days later to hear my mom tell the story, we wanted to test it against Scripture and get his take. My mom told her story, our pastor asked us how we felt, to which we replied "pretty freaking excited" Okay I didn't say "freaking." I probably wouldn't say "freaking" to my pastor. But I will say it to you, because I was freaking excited.
The very same day I was praying for courage and strength to follow Him wherever He would call us during worship.
The very same day I sacrificed my ring to build a well for thirsty people in Kenya, was the very same day we got a vision, a calling to GO.
It's blowing your mind right now, isn't it? I'll give you a minute...
A few days later I started to do some research on Honduras. I was looking up traveling tips while visiting Honduras and one site said it probably wasn't a great idea to wear any diamonds or flashy jewelry. I wasn't going to have that problem anymore now was I? Very funny, Lord.
God is so so SO good. He is so faithful. Getting to write our story and share it with you is such a blessing for us. We get to remember and reflect on how God has moved so mightily. How boldly He speaks to us. How loudly He's called us. Thank you for sharing in this journey with us and to everyone who is loving us, supporting us and praying for us. For everyone walking on this journey with us. Thank you. A million times, thank you.