At the ranch, they use soccer as a ministry. Brian grew up playing soccer, is an avid Sounders fan, loves kids, and well, cannot wait to get on the field with these awesome kids in Honduras!
One thing I love about the ranch is that they incorporate prayer and Bible study into each and every activity they use as ministry. They teach the kids that Jesus wants to be a part of our whole lives. And I love that.
Meet Oscar. I hear about Oscar a lot through the Beard's blog and he seems pretttty amazing. He loves the Lord and loves kids. Can't wait to partner with him and others serving at the ranch!
We are so excited to see how the Lord will use us in this time of serving Him. We also believe that this six week trip will be the first leap of faith into long-term missions in Honduras. In order to get there though, we have some mountains to be moved. So would you pray with us friends? If you feel a nudge to join our prayer team, please comment with your e-mail below for regular prayer need updates. I can't express how much your support in prayer means to us.
Here are some of our most pressing prayer needs:
1. Brian still needs approval from work to take six weeks off in April for our trip! We are full of faith that God can open this door. Please pray that his supervisor would be open to him taking this leave as well as for wisdom in the right timing to ask.
2. Support raising- that the Lord would begin to work on the hearts of those who are to support us financially. That the Lord would provide the funds for us to go. Wisdom and direction with upcoming fundraisers.
Muchas gracias y bendiciones!
Praying for you guys every day! Love ya!